Club Minutes October 10th 2012.
The meeting was opened by President Peter Stam at 6:30 P.M. After dinner was served the meeting reconvened and the District 7080, Governor, Ian Ferguson was introduced by the Asst.Dist.Gov. John Gilvesy who said that he had a difficult time keeping up with the changes in the Governor’s Bio.
He has been awarded the Dist. Gov. citation, a member of the Dist. Training Team, He is a member of the Paul Harris Society and many more accolades.
Ian then spoke on the joy he receives from Rotary. His father was President of the Grand Falls Club in New Brunswick so he became interested in getting involved in the different aspects of Rotary and was also looking for a network of friends after moving to the Toronto area.
Despite the economic situation, Rotary has remained strong financially.
The purpose of the District is to create an environment where Clubs can exist.
Rotary International has a strategic plan based on public interest and awareness, you may check that program on C.T.V. Membership is also strategic, it has a three prong approach. One is retention: Trust is retention, how we keep members begins and ends with the Club. Two is attraction: We need strong Clubs, treat membership seriously and have a strong membership committee. Three is Expansion: As a Club we need to look ahead at least three years, we will need a new Pres. at that time.
Ian spoke of Rotary’s program to eradicate Polio. mentioning the three endemic countries. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. He said that when we are down to one country that will be fantastic. We will then be the Gold Standard Organization in the World. As Peace is simply reaching out to others and lighting a single candle will be our greatest legacy.
He then offered a special thank you for what we do here in Woodstock.
Doug Vincent thanked Ian for his work in Rotary and his words of encouragement to our Club. Doug also thanked John Gilvesy Asst. Dist Gov. and Will Pugh, International Service Chairman. for their attendance at the Dist. Gov. meeting.
A presentation was made by the Dist. Gov. for the contribution of $1000.00 to the Paul Harris Foundation. The recipients were Rotarian Eric Tremblay and Mr. Klaas Dekker, who were presented with a certificate, medallion and pin. They were congratulated by Ian and that they should be proud to wear their Pins every where they go.
Pres. Peter informed the Club that he was in contact with The Salvation Army today regarding Rotary publicity, for example the Food Drive and the Kettles etc. He was hoping to get assistance from the Woodstock Club in this worthwhile project.
50/50 draw was ticket #4077, won by Peter Stam for $10.00 Congrats.
Next meeting the topic forTim Koetsier’s guest speaker will be “Mercy Ships”
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 P.M. Submitted Leigh Yates, Sect.